Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ontario soon and update

I have now bagged all the common birds for my local area this year.  That's not to say that I won't get any other year birds in my local areas because I will get uncommon and rare ones, a few but no more common ones.  They're all on my list.

Secondly, and more exciting - my 4th big trip of the year is coming up, Ontario - I'm hitting the road north in a week from tomorrow!  That trip is exciting in all ways because one and foremost: BIRDS!  Birds, birds.  I hope to bag 15 to 20 year birds that trip in which would get me up and over 325 which would put me in good aims for 375 or more at year's end with Alaska and Arizona still to do.  Some of my most wanted birds on Ontario trip are Bicknell's Thrush along the way, Clay-colored Sparrow, Grouse of different species, Boreal Chickadee, Mourning Warbler, and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.  Other birds of interest -- WHAT EVER I CAN FIND!  Also very and almost as exciting about this trip are family related things.  My mom has all of her family there and there are a fun school reunion and a fun family reunion while we are there.  What a fun trip it's going to be!!  Birds - get ready - mr Junior Big Year is coming:)

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