Vesper Sparrow, a lifer for me and year bird #242
Photo by Penny Warren
In the early part of the day on the way into an area we saw about 3 birds "graveling" and flying off but noticed them at the last minute and couldn't ID them but our first thought was American Pipit which if they were would be a lifer for me. On the way back we carefully searched the area and I was a bit disappointed when they were first identified as Song Sparrows as that's an easy to get bird that I've seen plenty of already this year. Then trip leader Allen Larner said something like ", those are 3 Vesper!". Sure enough, that's what they were, 3 Vesper Sparrows which is a lifer for me. Awesome bird -- worth the trip for sure and the trip wasn't close to half over yet! We then went to Lake Moomaw where we observed some fantastic birds like Common Loons and Horned Grebes in breeding plumage, DC Cormorants, Fox Sparrows, Bonaparte's and Ring-billed Gulls, and much else although no year birds. Next thing you know, while trying to locate an UI duck, 5 ducks flew in and Allen told the tale of what they were an I was happy because they were Red-breasted Mergansers which I have been searching for for a long time and is a well needed year bird! All in all a very fantastic, memorable day and extremely productive for my big year. Thanks tons to Allen for everything and to the birds for showing themselves! A truly terrific day.
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