Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Monday, March 7, 2011

Green Kingfisher and Sprague's Pipit!

Well now I'm back in Virginia..planning to make the 2 hour drive tomorrow for the Western Tanager!

On the way to the San Antonio Tx. airport this morning we made some stops.  We stopped at a small park and I said to my papa "there's a kingfisher..could it be my Green?" (because I hadn't gotten a Green Kingfisher yet).  Getting the binos on the bird..sure thing, green back, orange belly band it was indeed a Green Kingfisher for a lifer!

Then we went to Choke Canyon State Park where I spotted a small bird.  I rushed through WET grass to get to the bird to identify it as it looked rather unusual.  Once I got my delight I saw that it was one of the 2 pipits (American or Sprague's) and once I got back to the car I looked it up in the book.  It was clearly a Sprague's with it's what-to-me looks like a black neck collar (but officially it might be called something else) and palish colored breast.  Yippee!

As mentioned briefly above, there's a Western Tanager 2 hours from my home so we're going to go try to get it tomorrow.

Until later and good birding..


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