Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Long-tailed Ducks added!

                                       4 Long-tailed Ducks, a lifer for me and year bird #239

Disappointed that a Violet-green Swallow had been just 45 minutes away from home and that I missed the bird, I decided to check my emails to see if any new reports had come in of the swallow.  No, no reports of the swallow.  However, I was struck to see an email headed "Oldsqaws in Augusta County".  I opened up the email, and to my delight somebody had seen 4 Long-tailed Ducks (aka Oldsqaws) on a pond just 15 to 20 minutes away!  As I'm 11 years old and dependent on my parents to drive me and my mama was scheduled to be my driver today had the Violet-green Swallow showed back up, I went to her to talk about driving me for the Long-tails as I needed that for a lifer:)  She agreed to go so I quickly ran around to grab clean clothes, a coat, socks and shoes and my equipment (camera, spotting scope, binoculars, etc.).  Within 10 to 15 minutes we were off.  Arrived at the pond and after searching just a minute or two we easily picked up the Long-tailed Ducks.  We got great, close views of them for about 45 minutes before they swam off further into the pond and we left.  What great birds!

I just got notified of a Ross's Goose at a pond about 45 minutes away.  That's also a lifer I need.  However, the rest of today, tomorrow, and Tuesday is already booked on my schedule and I probably won't be able to make it Wednesday or Thursday either so it's probably a real long shot that it will still be there Friday but who knows.  Maybe I'll be able to make it Tuesday or Wednesday but only a small chance.

Current total for the J. Big Year is 239.

Until later,


1 comment:

  1. oh maybe I'll surprise you yet and take you sooner than you think buddy. How about this afternoon:) Let's see if we can find that Ross's Goose.
