Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another awesome morning!

Crimson-collared Grosbeak female

This morning we headed to Allen Williams' backyard wildlife sanctuary which has attracted a Blue Mockingbird and many other vagrant birds over the year in nearby Pharr for the Crimson-collared Grosbeak female there.  On the way to Allen's we saw a flock of White-faced Ibis which was a lifer for me. Soon after arriving, the grosbeak appeared and several close, great looks were very rewarding.   Great bird and thanks to Allen for hosting this awesome bird!  Allen said he sees Lesser Goldfinches in his yard every day so we waited for them as that would be a lifer for me.  Finally, after a wait, a female appeared!

At this point it was only 10:10 am and I had already had 3 lfiers!  We now went to Bentsen where we were yesterday and got the Black-vented Oriole.  I was hoping for the Blue Buntings, Lazuli Buntings, Gray Flycatcher, or Rufous-backed Thrush that had been also seen there.  We arrived at the Nature Center Feeders where I was excited about getting to add Clay-colored Thrush as a lifer.  We then at the Ebony Grove feeders saw the Black-vented Oriole again, this time for longer and even better looks!  Then some birders (that seemed even like non-birders but that enjoyed birds...on bikes without binoculars) and the one person said to her husband "slow down, somebody back there said there was a hawk 200 yards up here".  Then, all of a sudden, to my amazment, a beautiful adult Gray Hawk flew right overhead!  What an awesome lifer.  Then we saw some more Clay-colored Thrushes, Altamira Orioles, Green Jays, and saw a Hermit Thrush.  Then on the way out of Bentsen walking I spotted/heard a Northern Beardless Trannulet for a lifer!

What a morning and soon we go back to Estero Llano Grande State Park.

Until later,


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what another awesome day! amazing to get so many incredible lifers. So happy it is going so well. See you tomorrow my little Snappy!!
