Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kestrel show

No rarities or year birds today but the pair of local kestrels put on an awesome show!

The female A. Kestrel that hunts/lives right near my home was actively hunting for about 30 minutes in the fields right by my house!  She would hover, dive, fly, perch, fly, hover, fly, hover, fly, hover, dive, fly, perch, and so on!  She did this behavior for 20-30 minutes and it was an amazing show.  However, even with the active hunting and her attempts to catch prey she never got her lunch during that time:)  During that time a Red-shouldered Hawk flew past, a nice treat.  About 90 minutes later, the female kestrel was doing the same hunting behavior in the same fields..this time a male joined her!  It was incredible to watch the pair of American Kestrels hunting/hovering TOGETHER!  After 5-10 minutes they flew away and out of view.

In my attempts this afternoon to find a Brown-headed Cowbird for year bird #205, the attempts have failed.

Perhaps tomorrow while I'm in Shen. National Park, generally a good location for me to find BHC (at least it was in 2010) I will find it for year bird #205.


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