Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brown-headed Cowbird added!

                           Adult Cooper's Hawk, Nicholson Road, Rockingham County, Virginia

Today brought some good birds:

I took to the mountains and headed for Shenandoah Nat. Park.  In the park I kept hearing and seeing a bird that had an unfamiliar song to me, and the looks were brief and not good enough for an ID.  Once I get an ID on the song and identify the bird I will update this post.  Other park birds were the regulars: Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee, American Crow, Common Raven, Turkey Vulture, etc.  Once out of the park we did a quick swing through a small portion of Rockingham County.  An adult Cooper's Hawk (pictured in this post) gave incredible looks as it perched, flew, etc.!  What a bird!  My best look at an adult coop ever.  And to top the day off, right as we got home a Brown-headed Cowbird, year bird #205 for me flew over.  Listed as common for the area in the winter but they have stayed out of view until today!

FEBRUARY 28 UPDATE: The UI Singing Birds that I mentioned above have had discussion over what they are.  Several birders have said Pine Warbler, even more have said Junco, and 1 experienced 1 said Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Allen Larner, the 1 who said Yellow-rumped gave a good reason for it not to be a junco: "To slow for Junco" Allen said.  Anyway,  all those songs sound rather similar to me so I'm listing it as Unidentified Singing Birds.  When I get back from Texas maybe I'll get back up to the park and actually be able to see the birds and identify them!

Until later,


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