Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eared Grebe, 370!

Eared Grebe in Virginia, photo by Allen Larner

My mom asked me a question this morning around 11:30 am (yes, she's not a birder) "what's an Eared Grebe?"  I responded "it's a REALLY RARE type of grebe in this area"  "is it a year bird for you?" she responded "heck yes, a lifer!" I said.  She had gotten word that one of the area's best birders Allen Larner had found an Eared Grebe only maybe 30 minutes away at Stuarts Draft.  I didn't have directions though.  So I called Allen.  He gave directions.  Next thing you knew, we were off.

I arrived at the pond where it had been seen and within seconds I spotted the grebe.  It swam around giving terrific looks!  Surprisingly the only other waterfowl there was a single American Coot.  Eared Grebe, what a great life bird and # 370 for my Big Year!

On another note, on my way to Arizona my dad and I are going to rent a car for a few hours in Denver, Colorado and go chase an American Dipper.  I've been in touch with a local birder and there's a certain park I will very likely be able to get a dipper at.

Tomorrow it's off to the Eastern Shore.


  1. Congrats on the lifer! Eared Grebes are great birds here in the east. Just thought I would drop you a note to let you know if you're ever down towards my direction (Chattanooga, TN), I would love to go birding with you. I started birding around your age and am now 18 (and in college). Birding so young is such a blessing, enjoy your free time while you can! :D

    Good luck on your eastern shore trip!

    David Hollie

  2. Hello David,

    nice to hear from you.

    Thanks. It was a great bird for me. It would be great to go birding with you but don't know if I'll ever make it down there. Birding is awesome!

    Thanks. Eastern Shore was great.

