Year bird # 250: Solitary Sandpiper
Photo by Penny Warren
This morning I went out with the Augusta Bird Club which I am part of to a birding destination called McCormick's Mill. Leader Jo King did an excellent job leading the walk as did the birds for showing themselves and singing their songs. Thanks Jo and thanks birds! The walk had great results with Ospreys, Common Yellowthroat, and Red-shouldered Hawk among my personal highlights. The 'best of the best' though was a Solitary Sandpiper that gave awesome looks as it perched on a log, and then flew out of sight. That's a year bird for me, and a special one because it marks a major milestone for my year..250 birds! In any year, this would be a major milestone..1 quarter of 1,000! But extra special in my year, because my goal at year's end is 350 bird species, so knowing that I just need 100 more is a great thing!
Until later,
Congratulations on Bird #250! That is awesome. What a great day for bird watching it has been. Looking forward to learning what your next find will be:)