Revised 2011 bird total:
437 species

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 year bird day!

Another great day.  1 day, 2 year birds (including 1 lifer)!

Yesterday on the listservs I heard the report of 9 Red Crossbills at someone's feeders in the area.  I was bound to go check that out because that would be an important year bird.  I spent several hours at the place, hoping that the crossbills would be a show but a no show they were.  However, while waiting for the crossbills, a Red-breasted Nuthatch came several times to the feeders for brief visits.  That was a year bird, # 254.  The day was already a success!  After realizing that the crossbills would probably not show, I explored the mountains of Western Rockingham County.  After searching with only common birds, at a brief stop, I saw a small bird fly across the road.  My first thought was "Black-throated Green maybe", just because of the size, shape, and location.  I was in hot pursuit of the bird as that would have been a lifer for me.  "Shu,PshpshPshPishpshPshsh Sps Sps" I was trying to pish it out so that I could get a positive ID.  All I was getting was Chipping Sparrows.  Could my bird have really been a Chipping?  I figured that I had such a not good look that it might have been but I was going to keep trying.  Then, there it was, flying, and up into tall trees.  Then it sang.  Yes indeed, a Black-throated Green Warbler!  A lifer and year bird # 255.

An awesome day.


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