Here's a few photos from today. My focus was on observing so not many photos but these are what I got. Enjoy!
One of many Black-throated Sparrows seen today, and this species is one of 19 lifers today.
Not a year bird, but this Golden Eagle flyover was quite a treat.
We saw many Cooper's Hawks today, as well as a few of their Sharp-shin cousins.
Gila Woodpecker was one of the lifers today.
Not a year bird of course, but this up close American Wigeon was nice.
One of a billion Phainopepelas. Hard to believe they were a lifer this morning, because we saw SOOOO many today.
Black Phoebe. Not a year bird but the last "trip bird" of the day, and seen right after I got number 400.
Love the photos Gabriel, especially the GE! Have a grand time! How in the world do you pronounce Phainopepelas?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment Vic! Great to hear from you. It's awesome here.
ReplyDeleteIt's fay-no-PEP - uh -luh, say it ten times fast faynopepuhluh!
Daniel says hi.