So what was my 299th? Yesterday morning when checking my emails I got notified of an important, hard-to get year bird: Dickcissel. A male Dickcissel had been reported in southern Albemarle County, about 90 minutes from my home. Only 90 minutes away was this midwestern rascal! I headed out to the location within a few hours, with high hopes of finding the Dickcissel. I arrived at the location, searched around and found some good birds..Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrows, among others. Then my mom pointed out a bird down the way. I got my spotting scope on it and heard it sing. Dickcissel! My second one ever and a year bird..# 299!
My year is shaping up greatly!
and on the way home we had a great trip into Shenandoah National Park seeing Bear # 13 of the season. Great day!